The conversation when i want go to campus with commuter line

By Ahmad Rian Fadillah - June 20, 2020

Stasiun Bojong Gede – Ada Apa di Stasiun

In the morning at Bojonggede Station (7 am)

Me: Excuse me, which train goes to UI station or Jakarta?

Stranger: Oh, I think the train will come on line 2

Me: Oh good

Me: And when does it come?

Stranger: It runs every five minutes.

Stranger: The next one should be here in, oh, about one minute

Me: Thank you

Me: Once I get to UI, I need to take the yellow bus to the Vocational Building.

Me: Do you know where to catch that?

Stranger: Yeah, you can catch that one at the corner of the UI station.

Stranger: It runs every ten minutes.

Me: Thank you. Oh, here it comes.

Me: How much is the fare?

Stranger: only three thousand rupiah

Me: Okay, thank you so much

Stranger: Not at all

Together: Have a good trip

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