100 Tips Toefl (Part 1)

By Ahmad Rian Fadillah - January 05, 2020

Tips 1: Type Causative Active
General grant had General Lee _______ him ar Appomattox to sign the official surrender of the confederate forces.
a. meet (verb 1)
b. to meet
c. met ( verb 2 dan 3)
d. meeting (verb-ing)

Causative Active : objectnya makhluk hidup
Subject + make + object + verb 1
Subject + have/had + object + verb 1
Subject + get + object + to inf verb 1

Tips 2: Type Causative Active
Air Constricted between the vocal cords makes them _______ producing sound
a. to vibrate
b. vibrating
c. vibrate (verb 1)
d. The vibration

Causative Active : objeknya makhluk hidup
Subject + make + object + verb 1

Tips 3: Type Semi Causative Active
Adult eagles let their offspring _______ nests near their original nesting area
a. build  (verb 1)
b. builds
c. building
d. to build

Semi Causative:
Subject + let + object + verb 1

Tips 4: Type Causative Passive : objectnya benda
The  Owner of the hotel had the room ___________
a. decorated
b. redecorate
c. redecorating
d. to decorate

Causative Passive: objectnya benda
Subject + make + object + verb 3
Subject + have/had + object + verb 3
Subject + get + object + verb 3

Tips 5: Pola verb-ing
His secretary (A)  is responsible for (b) typing the letters (C), answering the phone call, and transfer (d) the money.

ada polanya, Typing ; Answering ; Transfer (ing) (ada verb ing)

Tips 6: Kata Uncountable
There was (a) a (b) very interesting news on the (c) radio this morning about (d) the earthquake in Italy.

kata kunci:
news adalah uncountable (kata benda tidak bisa dihitung)
tidak boleh diikuti "a" yang artinya sebuah
atau tidak bisa diikuti bilangan

Tips 7: Kata each
each students (a) in my class (b) is asked to buy (c) a bilingual dictionary (d)

kata kunci:
each/every/one harus diikuti dengan singular
artinya tidak boleh jamak atau banyak

Tips 8: Using Either, Neither
My uncle can (a) go there either with (b) Nadia nor (c) with Arina to see (d) the film

Kata kunci:
either ----> or
neither ----> nor
not only ----> but also
both ----> and

Tips 9:
Neither (a) the marketers nor (b) the director are promoting (c) the products to the society (d)

Kata kunci:
the director adalah subject singular
maka bukan are tetapi is promoting

Tips 10:
The U.S. Congress consists (a) of (b) both the senate (c) as well as (d) the house of representatives

kata kunci:
Both ----> and
bukan as well as

Tips 11:
The fire began in (a) the fifth (b) floor of (c) the hotel but it soon spread (d) to adjacent floor

Kata kunci:
Untuk floor preposition yang digunakan adalah on
bukan in

Tips 12:
Mary and her sister (a) just bought (b) two new (c) winters (d) coats at the clearance sale

Kata kunci:
Analisis ada 2 macam:
1. Part of speech
2. phrase
two new winter adalah kata sifat (adjective)
coats (noun)
winter tidak boleh dijamakkan menjadi winters karena dia hanya menjelaskan coats
artinya coats itu berdiri sendiri dan two new winter itu menjelaskan coats

contoh lain:
tooth brush ini benar
walaupun tooth hanya 1 gigi tapi dia adalah kata sifat (adj) yang menjelaskan brush (noun)
jadi tooth tidak diubah menjadi teeth yang artinya jamak

Tips 13:
American baseball teams, once (a) the only contender for the world championship, are now being (b) challenged by (c) either (d) japanese teams and venezuelen teams

Kata kunci:
Both ----> and

Tips 14:
To answer accurately is more important than_________
a. a quick finish
b. to finish quickly
c. finishing quickly
d. you finish quickly

Kata kunci:
answer = verb1
accurately = adverb of manner = keterangan cara ---> adj + ly

Tips 15:
Every human typically (a) have (b) twenty three pairs of (c) chomosomes in most cells (d)

Kata kunci:
every human = subject (human itu singular)
typically = adjective
have itu subjeknya jamak sedangkan human itu tunggal
jadi yang benar adalah has, has subjeknya tunggal/singular

Tips 16:
United States (a) forces (b) won the city of Los Angeles in 1847 during (c) the Mexican war and gain (d) all of California in the same year

Kata kunci :
won = verb2
win (v1), won (v2), won (v3)
setelah kata and itu paralel structure
gain adalah v1 diubah jadi verb 2 = gained
jadi, and gained

Tips 17:
In the (a) sport (b) of fencing, three type (c) of swords are used (d) the foil, the epee, and the sabre.

kata kunci ':
type nya plural (jamak) berarti ditambah s
menjadi types karena three itu jamak

Tips 18:
Each of the (a) nurses report (b) to the operating room when his or her name (c) is called (d)

Kata Kunci:
Di dalam subject yaitu "each of the nurses"
yang ditekankan adalah sebelum preposition "of" yaitu each
kata each harus diikuti dengan singular
jadi karena subjeknya nurses berarti jadi reports dengan s

Tips 19:
Soon after (a) the united states' entrance (b) into the war, the major (c) hotels in Atlantic city was (d) transformed into military barracks

Kata kunci:
warna merah adalah subject, warna biru adalah adverb, warna ungu adalah object
Karena hotels adalah jamak, maka yang dipakai adalah were (khusus jamak seperti they,we,you)
kalau was itu buat singular (I,he,she,it) dan was were dipakai untuk kalimat past tense
karena tranformed adalah verb 3 berarti ini kalimat pasif
Biasanya setelah koma diikuti dengan clausa
polanya Subject + adverb + verb + object

Tips 20:
The constitution (a) will be implementing (b) by all the people (c) in the country (d)

kata kunci:
warna merah adalah subject, warna biru adalah verb
lalu ada kalimat active dan pasif
kalimat aktif yaitu kalimat yg subjeknya melakukan aktifitas (does the activity)
kalimat pasif yaitu kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai pekerjaan biasanya subjeknya benda (gets the activity)
rumusnya will + be + verb 3
harusnya implemented

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